It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized February

Tcc (Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru/Together ...




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TCC was founded in 1995. We tackle social injustice by supporting diverse communities to gain the power they need to enact change. We do this through community organising: bringing together local groups, so they can set their own agenda, take action, and improve their communities.

Our members are many different community groups, faith groups, and schools, from across Wrexham, Flintshire, and Denbighshire. Any of our members can raise an issue for TCC to work on—so they set our agenda.

We train people from our member groups to take action for themselves. This means they have the skills and confidence to approach the people in power, and get them to make a decision which will benefit the local community.

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