It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

The Monday Club


raised from 40


Thank you for visiting our Givey page and helping us to raise money

The Monday Club Leicestershire provides social opportunities and experiences for people with Autistic Spectrum conditions. It is believed to be the longest running social provision in the UK for adults with an Autistic Spectrum Condition. The Club offers a safe space for members to enjoy the social activities that most other people take for granted, such as going out to the pub, playing bowls or other sporting activities and meeting friends. The Club costs £20000 per year to run. Since it began, the Club has been jointly funded by Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council. The Government's austerity program has resulted in the removal of 50% of funding. Members get tremendous satisfaction from their involvement with the Club as it is an escape from the sense of isolation that many people on the Autistic Spectrum experience. Many learn new life skills to enable them to cope with everyday activities such as cooking, budgeting and using buses. Typical views of the Club by members are : "The Monday Club provides me with a safe place in which I can be myself with other members and where I can talk safely about issues with like-minded people and without judgement." "When my therapist recognised autistic traits in me, he recommended the Monday Club. At first I wondered if I belonged here but after a few months my life has been transformed, A 20 year battle with depression and feeling suicidal has evaporated." If we cannot find funds, this service could be lost to the City and County of Leicester. We are looking for donations totalling £10000 to enable the Monday Club to continue to provide this valuable service enhancing the lives of our members.


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