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THE ULTIMATE WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE From a Personal Trainer This is a guide to weight loss directly from a personal trainer. Hi, friends welcome my name is Molly and I am a certified personal trainer now I want to keep this article sweet short to the point and really just get you the information that you need to know in this article I'll be talking about three main subjects that are food exercise and mental awareness in each of these three subjects I have three main points but really quick before we jump into it I just want to tell you a little bit about my background of knowledge I’ve been a personal trainer for over two years I have been on this health journey for about three to four years myself and I’ve learned a lot along with the ways I’ve been on each side of the spectrum I have been into meal replacement shakes and protein bars and supplements I’ve also done extreme dietings like keto and paleo and I really like tried it all now the guide that I give you today is all about just making health sustainable.   It's about lifestyle changes slowly but surely into your own life that will get you to this point where you don't it just becomes you don't even have to try at weight loss it just you are just naturally slim all right let's jump into it number one food now they say that food is about 80 of the results that you see and exercise is about 20. so that's why I want to talk about food first so the number one thing I think is going to solve a lot of your issues is getting more vegetables into your diet especially in the UK we are really heavily focused on processed foods right we got like french fries and burgers and all of these things that are like the main source of what we're eating so much of your problems will be lifted relieved from you once you start including more vegetables into your diet I really noticed like the weight come off so much easier. You can also try meal replacement shakes which are really good for weight loss. Here are the top 5 meal replacement shakes in the UK you can try. Because when I tried this meal replacement shakes,  I felt um so much more mental clarity, I felt better in my body just everything was singing   Also when I included more vegetables my second tip on food is to focus on whole foods um foods that come directly from nature over-processed foods always there are so many amazing foods that you can make at home you know buddha bowls and stir-fries and there are so many ways you can get vegetables into your diet more whole foods from nature beans rice potatoes if it comes directly from the earth it's what you need it's what your body's craving my third tip on food is to focus on more plant-based proteins over animal-based proteins now when I first started lifting and started getting fit.   I was eating a ton of meat because that's what I thought you had to do is right like you have to eat like a ton of protein um it's not true you really don't actually need that much protein plus there's a lot of protein in plants themselves like a ton of protein you're going to notice that if you focus on more plant-based proteins like beans and rice and vegetables and legumes and tempeh and tofu there are so many good plant-based proteins you're going to feel a lot better you feel less heavy and dense your digestion is better your body can easily digest plant-based foods versus animal-based foods this is just a side note but also I wouldn't worry about how many calories you're intaking how many what your macros are.   I literally just think that you should notice how food feels in your body eat when you're hungry stop when you're full just honour your body in that way all right let's move on exercise number two so exercise is about 20 of your results so when we talk about three main points here in exercise the first one focus on strength training focus on building muscle focus on building your strength, first of all, it feels really good to feel strong secondly you're really killing two birds with one stone when you focus on weight training because when you build muscle mass you get toned and lean um the more muscle you have on the body the more that your body is burning fat because your metabolism is higher now strength training can be in the gym lifting heavy weights um I love to do that but it can also be just bodyweight exercises there are so many great bodyweight strength training videos on youtube.   You just throw on like a 10-minute one do that two to three times a week you're gonna you know after a few months you're gonna start seeing results dude my second tip is to do exercises that you enjoy don't just do things because um you're gonna lose the weight and you have all these preconceived notions about how exercise should be screw it does what you enjoy I love to lift weights like to actually weight lift like I love the compound movements squats deadlifts um you know benching all of that's me personally I like to do that stuff I know other people that love the bodyweight exercises and um other people that love to go for runs uh I like to go for walks um I like to swim I just do the things that you enjoy that's simple my third tip here is that recovery is more important than the exercise itself that's a big statement but recovery honestly is so important.   Because your muscles they need time to repair themselves if you just keep cranking it out time after time without letting your body get the proper rest that it needs it's not going to be good your body's going to get way too stressed out and you're actually going to probably recede in your results so make sure to stretch make sure to stretch those muscles after they've been used and make sure to rest get proper sleep all of that take time to nourish yourself after you know the hardcore depleting when you're exercising okay let's go to number three mental awareness let's look at the mental aspect of weight loss number one get consistent you can work out for a week but you won't see results you have to make it consistent you have to make it a habit you have to integrate it to be a part of yourself and there is a lot of resistance in changing habits yes but the thing is with habits you can start so slow literally when I started like four years back I just literally went to the gym one to two days a week and only focused on exercise.   I didn't focus on nutrition until a few months into it that one to two days a week got to be more and more and more until I found an exercise routine that really worked for me and now it's become a part of me this is who I am I love to work out I love to eat well because it has improved my quality of life drastically make it a part of your life number two is to focus on how you feel over the aesthetics of everything so instead of focusing on how toned your abs are focus more on how you're feeling in every day and notice the changes if you need a rest day when you didn't have one planned take that rest day focusing on how you feel is going to go so much deeper than the surface level of only focusing on your looks and number three learn to enjoy the process over the destination I learned this one the hard way but I spent two years of my fitness journey really trying to hit this ideal body type I always wanted to tone up a little bit more get a little bit leaner and I was just focusing on the destination and I was like when is this going to end.   It just it became it the process became not fun to me anymore so just know that it's about that process it's not about the destination because honestly it if you're just focusing on the destination I mean you're not even focusing on the now so do yourself a favour and just every single day loves the process love eating well love working out love listening to your body and love honouring your body alright those were all my top tips on food exercise and mental awareness how to lose the weight dude right from a personal trainer I’ve had the experience that's the best that I can give you right there ultimately it's up to you you can do it you can change your habits that's all it comes down to and you can live a lifestyle that you want you the weight loss will come naturally if you liked this article definitely make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more videos and until next time guys have an amazing day we'll talk with you soon bye.


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