It's Stoptober until Sunday 1st November

UniqueNotAlone: WildHearts Micro-Tyco...


raised from 8


we are all UNIQUE but NOT ALONE!
We are 4 first year Accounting & Finance and 1 Finance & Investment Banking students from University of Greenwich. During february, until the end of the month, we are participating in an amazing opportunity organised by WildHearts Foundation and approved by Deloitte. Working as a group, we are organising many fundraiser events and products to raise money and awareness for microfinancing of less developed countries. More info on WildHearts at: All of the money, 5% charge from Givey is incurred on top of your donation amount, is donated to the foundation and used to help small businesses and entrepreneurs in third world countries (including Ghana, Guatemala, Peru, Jordan) by providing them with a no interest micro loan to help in developing their ideas and taking their families out of poverty while teaching valuable skills that can be passed on to others. It is really humbling to know that sacrificing a little bit of our time and money can really change another person's life forever. Let these people know that they are Unique but NOT Alone. Donate now.

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