It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized February

Wandsworth Prison Welfare Trust




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Wandsworth Prison Welfare Trust works to provide prisoners with basic support and services, giving them the best chance of rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society.

We work to find simple materials which can be given freely and provide constructive and interesting activity. For example: jigsaws, art materials, colouring, wooden construction toys, matches and glue for craft.

We want all the men to be able to read, to get used to the weight of a book and build the confidence and concentration to keep going. So we provide thrillers and adventure books, reading material for starters, spectacles for reading, dictionaries in English and many other languages.

We would like men to practice social skills and learn quiet ways to make friends, so we source games and enable spaces to play them: chess, dominos, playing cards, connect four, etc.

Finally, the wind up radios we provide are a lifesaver. They provide company when the quiet is overwhelming, and a focus when things are difficult - either inside or outside of people's heads.

The things we buy are not expensive - art and craft materials, playing cards, chess pieces, reading glasses. Just £12 buys a windup radio or 12 glue sticks. We make a little money go a long way!

All help and support with our work is gratefully received.

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