It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday 12th February

The Whitehawk Foodbank


raised from 1460


Emergency food for people in crisis

Since 2015, Whitehawk Foodbank has been supporting local people in crisis with emergency food provision.

This has only been possible due to the incredible support we have received over the years. We're committed to supporting those who find themselves in crisis and ensuring that no one in our community goes to bed hungry.

We believe that no one should have to turn to a foodbank to access the essentials, and through our Together for Change strategy we do all we can to work towards a future without the need for foodbanks in East Brighton.

Get to know all about our Foodbank and meet members of our team here on this Spotify podcast created for us by Givey.


Why not spread the word about your donation with your friends?

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Family Food Parcel - £59.00

This is the value of an average food parcel for a family household.

Single Person Food Parcel - £25.00

£25 is the estimated value of a food parcel for a single person referred to Whitehawk Foodbank.
