It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized February

Y Care International




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Y Care International works in partnership with young people worldwide through the YMCA movement to help them enrich their lives, and to build a more just world, free from poverty.

Y Care International needs you to be a life starter and kit out a young person for a better future Many young people living in extreme poverty struggle to see a future for themselves and their families To give them a better start in life a Life Starter Kit can help them work their way out of poverty and into a brighter future. · £15.00 buys a Tailors Kit – including a sewing machine, tread, needles, scissors & measuring tape · £25.00 buys a Cooks Kit – including pots, pans, utensils and bowls · £35.00 buys a Carpentry Kit – including a saw, nails, hammer and screwdriver · £50.00 buys a Mechanics Kit – including a toolbox with spanners, screwdrivers and a socket set · £75.00 buys 6 months vocational skills training programme for a young person · £128.00 buys 12 months vocational skills training programme for a young person

What the money will help provide: The Life Starter Kit is about providing an opportunity for a young person to gain value market-relevant skills: · Enrolling on a vocational training course which includes learning a trade in tailoring, catering, carpentry, motor mechanics, hairdressing and brick-laying · Vital technical training to learn business skills such as book keeping, budgeting, marketing and sales · A training and mentoring programme that will provide young people the chance to gain valuable guidance, advice and encouragement for a successful enterprise · Life Starter Kit also provides graduates with specialist equipment and the tools for their trade

Y Care International aims to create sustainable opportunities for vulnerable young women and men to deliver transformational projects in communities across 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Middle East and the UK. Call us on 0207 549 3175 or email us

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