York Bike Belles



raised from 31


Support a healthy, green and kind future for York!

The joy of walking and cycling for everyone in York. Freedom for York’s elder community. The wonder of nature nearby. We offer York residents so much. And, with your support, we can ensure our services are always there, free for everyone to enjoy.

What do we do?

We run a friendly and fun programme of free walking and cycling activities and communications, all year round. There's a 'Cake Confidence' start cycling scheme for new and returning cyclists, 'Cycling Without Age' freedom rides on a rickshaw bike for York's elder community, 'Nature Nearby' walks and rides, 'Nature Time' routes, volunteering opportunities, and interactive social media.

In a nutshell, we enable York residents of all ages and abilities to walk and cycle around our city and improve their health and wellbeing. We work with some of some of York's most vulnerable residents. Read more about us at www.yorkbikebelles.community.

What impact do we have?

We make a real difference to individual's lives. "You have changed my life, Bike Belles" (Rose, Cake Confidence participant 2019). “It’s my freedom!” (Joyce, Cycling Without Age passenger, 2019). “Cycling has helped me lose weight, get fitter and it’s also great for mental health” (Simon, Cycling Without Age Volunteer, 2019).

We are effective. Over the last 3 years, 75 - 92% of participants increased their levels of cycling, physical activity and health and wellbeing.

We come highly recommended. “The lovely team are so supportive. This was the best thing I've done for a very long time – can’t recommend it enough” (Alison, Cake Confidence participant, 2020).

Our work tackles some of today's biggest issues, and aligns with UN Sustainable Development goals - health and wellbeing, inequalities, ageing, and the climate and nature crises. We enable people to adopt positive, sustainable lifestyles and develop everyday resilience in a challenging world.

Support Us!

We rely on donations and grants to fund our activities, and to offer them for free to everyone in York. If you are able to support us, please do consider a donation. A sincere thank you in advance.

York Bike Belles is an award-winning charitable organisation, incorporated as a not for profit Community Interest Company, Number 12470154. Walk and cycle with us into a healthy, green and kind future!


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