

raised of $5,000 target from 0 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Batul Dungarwalla is raising $5,000 for WaterHarvest
Walk for water challenge – 365 days 03rd February 2021 to 03rd February 2022 They say that: “You can't understand someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.” Well I’m not going to be a walking a mile, From the 03rd February 2021 I’m going to be walking 7874 steps a day, the equivalent of 3.7miles a day for 365 days and a total 1,350 miles …..because 3.7 miles is the average distance women and children in the rural Gujarat walk for water. Come rain or shine I am committing to completing 1,350 miles in 2021 and with a target to raise £5,000 for a charity dear to my heart called WaterHarvest. • Waterharvest help vulnerable, remote communities in the Gujarat catch and store rainwater so they do not have to drink dirty water. • WaterHarvest also help communities with improving crop irrigation and promoting land regeneration. • And for me the most important reason is it helps girls get an education, it means they do not have to walk that 3.7 miles a day to fetch water opening them up to abuse with risk to their honour. This charity is close to my heart as it supports families in my ancestral homeland of Gujarat, India. I was born in London and grew up in Lincolnshire. When I was a little girl visiting my grandparents in Gujarat in the late 70’s early 80’s I would go to the local water tap with my Nanna to collect buckets of water, it was only up the street, but because I was clumsy and the bucket was probably to heavy for me, most of the water would be spilt before we got back to the house…..I was young and didn’t understand that because of carelessness there would be a lack of water for the day but I didn’t know that then. That is one of the reasons WaterHarvest is important to me. I’ll be recording my journey throughout 2021 which you can access on the WaterHarvest webpage https://www.water-harvest.org/


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During the last 35 years, WaterHarvest has directly supported over two million people, worked in 2,021 villages, and built structures to ...
