It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

Cylch Meithrin Nant Lleucu


raised from 175


Early years through the medium of Welsh.

Mae Cylch Meithrin Nant Lleucu yn cynnig Cylch Chwarae Cymraeg ym Mhenylan i blant dros ddwy a hanner yn ogystal â grŵp rhieni / gwarcheidwyr a phlant sy'n hyrwyddo'r Iaith Gymraeg yn Nhŷ Eglwys y Rhath. Ein nod yw i rhoi cyfle i blant - bethbynnag ei cefndir- i ddysgu'r iaith Cymraeg drwy chwarae. Yn ogystal a ffioedd rieni, mae'r Cylch yn ddibynnol ar roddion elusennol a chyllid grant i brynu adnoddau, sicrhau bod staff yn derbyn hyfforddiant priodol ac i'n galluogi i barhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau fel y cludiant i Berllan Deg o dan amodau newidol. . Diolch am ymweld â'n tudalen Givey. Pan roddwch eich rhodd trwy Givey, mae'r Elusen yn derbyn 100% o'r rhodd. Mae eich manylion yn ddiogel gyda Givey ac mae rhoi yn hollol ddiogel. Nid ydyn nhw byth yn rhannu eich cyfeiriad e-bost ag unrhyw drydydd partïon ac eithrio'r Elusen rydych chi'n rhoi iddi.

Cylch Meithrin Nant Lleucu offers a Welsh Language Playgroup in Penylan for children over two and a half as well as a parent/guardian and child group which promotes the Welsh Language in Roath Church House. Our aim is to give children -whatever their background, the opportunity to learn the Welsh language through play. While fees cover basic costs, the Cylch is reliant on charitable donations and grant funding to buy resources, ensure that staff receive appropriate training and to enable us to continue to provide services such as the wraparound to Berllan Deg under changeable circumstances. Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe with Givey and donating is completely secure. Whatsmore, they never share your email address with any third parties except the Charity you donate to.


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