

raised of $5,400 target from 3 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Thank you for visiting our Givey page. WE WANT TO SET YOU A CHALLENGE! Our aim is to help people like Harry, who has been a powerchair user since he was 11 years old because he has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. His Dragon powerchair continues to be the key to his motivation and active lifestyle. He has won many trophies and medals as an International Boccia player. At the age of 25, he defeated all the odds to become the oldest man with Duchenne (a progressive muscle-wasting disease) to remain active and successful in BC4 international Boccia competitions. The pandemic has limited Harry's lifestyle severely for the last 18 months, as his condition means shielding completely from the virus, even now. He has had to change his classification recently, but we want to continue to give him support for the future. He still trains as much as he can, so that when he can travel safely again, he will be able to pick up his very successful career. Harry's current Dragon powerchair is out of warranty, and he wants to keep it going with Dragonmobility's comprehensive maintenance support by subscribing to the 2021 Dragon4Life Scheme, which costs £450 per month. The Turbo Trust wants to be able to commit to cover this until such time as Harry can order his new Dragon during 2022. Any remaining credit on his Dragon4Life account can be carried over towards the costs of the new equipment. As soon as we have raised enough to guarantee a year of Dragon4Life cover, we will start raising the additional amount needed for the replacement. Harry has faced many challenges in his life, and has achieved far more than anyone expected of him 15 years ago. We want to challenge YOU to think of something that will stretch your abilities, but for a much shorter time. Whatever YOU do will make a difference to Harry for the rest of his life. Maybe something you've always wanted to do, but never got down to. Losing weight? A sporting goal? Learning a new skill? Anything, really! It can be home-based, if you can't get out much, or more adventurous, if you can. But decide to do it in the next four weeks, and DO IT! Advertise it amongst your friends and family to earn sponsorship and donate the proceeds to Turbo Trust. If you want sponsor forms, contact the charity at lou@theturbotrust.org.uk, or, even better, set up a Givey page of your own on this site in aid of Turbo Trust. Let us know what you decide to do and we can help publicise your challenge. Or if you're not in a position to accept the challenge, just consider making a personal donation! When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe with Givey and donating is completely secure. What's more, they never share your email address with any third parties except the Charity you donate to. All funds donated this way will go into our general account to be granted at the trustees discretion, so funds will not be restricted to Harry's use only. We have a number of applicants who also need our help.


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Fundraising for

Turbo Trust gives grants to people with disabilities to pay for customised powerchairs which give each individual the greatest possible ...


+ $2,875.00 from 3 offline donors