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31% of $2,950
$900 Raised
Project Gambia for the Roya...
I am undertaking a 250 mile bike ride to raise funds towards much needed hospital equipment. This equipment will be taken to the RVH by a surgeon a...

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11% of $400
$45 Raised
Charity Banger Rally Challenge
I am aiming to raise as much money as I can for Macmillan Cancer Support. Only seems fair after the support they have offered Dawn(my wife) and I ...

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115% of $1,000
$1,150 Raised
Helen Tries Tough Mudder...
I am doing Tough Mudder, 12 miles of assault course that may or may not include mild electrocution and dousing in ice water on October 25th. I am d...

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0% of $250
$0 Raised
CMA battles out the GSR
Life is great! Life is a Challenge! And Life always comes to an End! We all have experienced someones final step which one day we will follow. For ...

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120% of $300
$361 Raised
Chasing MONSTER...Loch Ness...
Almost everyone knows that I enjoy running...some people call me insane...some can't understand why I enjoy running 21 miles on Wednesday evening!!...

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160% of $250
$400 Raised
CMA battles out the GSR
We all have come across cancer in one form or another. We all know family members or relatives who fight with cancer, we've heard from friends stru...

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133% of $75
$100 Raised
Zipline across the Tyne
On Saturday 18th October I'll be doing a zipline across the River Tyne in Newcastle to raise money for sufferers of a stroke. I've chosen to do ...

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62% of $1,500
$925 Raised
Survival of the Fittest
Macmillan Cancer Support are an amazing charity offering help, care and advice to those living with cancer. We've all known someone affected by can...

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12% of $1,000
$115 Raised
In memory of Bob Chapman ....
My Dad recently passed away at home as he wished, with his family and supported by the Hospice at Home team. We will be forever grateful for their...

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80% of $150
$120 Raised
Half Marathon LOROS Fundraiser
LOROS Hospice is a local charity and every year they care for over 2,500 people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. They deliver free, ...

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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Tonbridge Half Marathon
I'm running my first ever half marathon and want to raise some money for the Stroke Association at the same time. Stroke occurs approximately ...

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44% of $1,000
$435 Raised
Devizes half marathon
On 19th October I will, along with Kev Walker, Matt Bragg, Pursy, Fran Massey, Richie Smy, Russ Howarth, Daz Simpson and Dave Flewin from DMTS, wil...

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13% of $500
$65 Raised
The Global Peace Yoga Project

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100% of $50
$50 Raised
Colour running for KEEN!
Hi folks, I'm taking part in the Colour Run this weekend with KEEN London, the charity I'm involved with that provides sporting opportunities for d...

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74% of $350
$260 Raised
Caidheag dhan Chaol
Tha mise air dbhlan a chur ro Derek air a bhliadhna seo. S leis gu bheil e amharasach mu bhith ann an uisge fosgailte, shaoil mi gum biodh e math ...

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72% of $300
$215 Raised
Will the knees make it?
I am running a half marathon to raise money for The White Lodge Centre, a charity which supports children with disabilities. They support one of my...

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84% of $400
$335 Raised
Aspire Channel Swim - Franc...
On my seventh Aspire Channel Swim I'm doubling the distance and aiming to get to France and back again, to support this charity that works with peo...

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50% of $150
$75 Raised
Cancer Care Aware
I am running the Great Yorkshire 10km this coming Sunday. I wasn't going to ask for money as I do this quite a lot but after some news from a frien...

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60% of $100
$60 Raised
Our Stars Buggy Walk
PMG family support is a wonderful group that has given advice and generally been there for us when we've needed it. Very little is known about PMG....

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30% of $100
$30 Raised
Take this beard...
TL;DR: Whoever donates the most money to War Child gets to cut my beard off. For about four years now I have been growing my beard. It is not a ...

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56% of $250
$140 Raised
Clives Great North 1 Mile O...
I am taking the plunge into Lake Windermere to swim a mile, therefore if you care to sponsor me I will be raising money for The Stroke Association ...

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93% of $300
$280 Raised
Robin Hood Half Marathon Me...
Nottinghamshire Hospiceserves the Nottinghamshire area, providing care for adults living with any life-limiting illness. The Hospice helps people t...

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98% of $800
$786 Raised
I'm running in the Chester Marathon on 5th October to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support. The excellent team at MacMillan have cared for more...

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135% of $100
$135 Raised
Colour Run
Next Sunday I will be running a 5k colour run for the charity KEEN .KEEN London is the only charity in London providing one-to-one sports and fun f...

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