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10% of £100
£10 Raised
Andrew's race
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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0% of £500
£0 Raised
Finish school
Am student in northern Cyprus , in civil engineering master program. But my University well cancel my registration because I didn't pay my school fee.

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124% of £1,000
£1,235 Raised
Rachel’s Run to the Sun Cha...
In many ways, mental health is just like our physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it. Statistics show that around one in f...

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120% of £100
£120 Raised
Miles for May
Thank you for visiting Finley's Givey page. Finn has challenged himself to stay fit during lockdown and has been out running every other day, build...

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42% of £1,000
£415 Raised
Covid19 hit on cancer patie...
The disruption to daily life in Uganda because of Covid19 is significant, although as of 20 May, there had only been 246 confirmed cases and no dea...

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42% of £100
£42 Raised
Colouring competition
Welcome to our colouring competition fundraising page. Thank you for entering and we hope your little ones had lots of fun drawing their hero. ...

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83% of £150
£125 Raised
Lewis’ Cycle for the Foodbank
During these difficult times of lockdown I have been supporting my local Foodbank by cycling from my home to the Foodbank every Tuesday and Friday ...

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103% of £200
£205 Raised
PAFRAS fundraiser
Gwan and see if we can get to £200 in just one day. PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers). If just 20 of you chip in a tenner w...

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56% of £2,500
£1,396 Raised
COVID-19 Support Appeal
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues 1st Farnsfield Scout Group has had to suspend all face-to-face sessions. This has left the group with a gap in f...

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109% of £200
£217 Raised
Comedy Shows for The Trusse...
We are a group of Cambridge University students who produce comedy shows to raise money for charity and take it to members of the local community w...

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7% of £4,000
£285 Raised
Hamworthy Together
Hamworthy Together is a joint community appeal set up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On this page, you can donate towards the fantastic, loc...

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1208% of £500
£6,040 Raised
Travelling the Length of Sc...
The Length of Scotland! The young people at Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre, supported by volunteers and staff are fundraising to help vulnerabl...

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90% of £500
£450 Raised
Shane's Running a Marathon!
Thank you visiting my fundraising page! On the 28th of June I will be running my own marathon to raise money for my son's preschool, to give you so...

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5% of £1,000
£50 Raised
David Gau
Happy Slashers challenge is to create a virtuous circle for a cultural, social, environmental deep change for resilience for all Islands We want t...

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404% of £500
£2,020 Raised
Dan’s 100 mile cycle challenge
Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my Givey page. I’m taking on a 100 mile cycle challenge on Saturday 30 May to raise money for the Tiptree Pre-S...

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1% of £1,000
£10 Raised
Baynards Parents Shelter
Our recent parent questionnaires have given us fantastic feedback and have highlighted the need to provide shelter for parents and children enterin...

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42% of £250
£105 Raised
Surviving Covid-19
We know that Covid-19 has hit everybody; its certainly hit us! We cannot access a lot of the governments aid packages because we are partly governm...

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0% of £100,000
£26 Raised
Supporting Highgate families experiencing unexpected hardship as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Please do not hesitate to contact our Campaign...

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97% of £150
£146 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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80% of £100,000
£80,000 Raised
LAE T: Ongoing Hardship
The Coronavirus pandemic affects everyone, and those with the least are often the hardest hit. LAE Tottenham is a sixth form free school, opene...

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149% of £50,000
£74,272 Raised
Adam's Marathon
**Thank you to our generous donors. • We've doubled our initial target: not only can we provide laptops for all the Year 12 pupils who need them at...

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155% of £100
£155 Raised
Kirsty Bonnie Shuggy Annie and Emily are going to climb our 15 flights of stairs for 15 days in a row to raise money for goodtrees who have been am...

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0% of £1,000
£0 Raised
Parents Shelter
Our recent parent questionnaires have given us fantastic feedback and have highlighted the need to provide shelter for parents and children enterin...

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133% of £300
£400 Raised
Peter Smith Tribute
Peter Smith (my father) lived to the age of 89 and sadly passed away at home in east London on the 28th April. He was bombed out during the Blitz,...

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