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0% of $122
$0 Raised

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75% of $1,000
$750 Raised
Rasheed Dauda
Rasheed Runs The Hackney Half Marathon for Rising Tide On Sunday May 8th 2016 I will be running the Vitality Run Hackney Half Marathon to raise ...

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19% of $350
$65 Raised
Belfast Marathon 2016: Sam ...
I'm running the Belfast Marathon to raise money for the amazing Bluehouses who work with the young people of Ballysillan in North Belfast - to give...

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40% of $200
$80 Raised
Mark Turney
I will be doing a skydive at Peterlee Parachute Centre on May 21st 2016 for Silverline Memories

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163% of $300
$490 Raised
Chop Chop
Hi everyone! When I last had my hair cut 6 months ago, I requested that the stylist chopped off a bit more than usual. Once it was done and my l...

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19% of $400
$75 Raised
Niamh's Ben Nevis sponsored...
I will be climbing Ben Nevis on the 11th June, to raise funds for my pilgrimage to Poland the volunteer work I will take part in whilst there with ...

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90% of $100
$90 Raised
Blue Houses Run
Im running a few legs of the relay in the marathon this on 2nd May 2016 for the amazing work that goes on at the BLUE HOUSES in Ballysillan. The t...

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120% of $500
$600 Raised
Hair cut for HH
"Hypothalamic Hamartoma (HH) is a benign tumor-like malformation that causes a syndrome characterized by: 1) treatment-resistant epilepsy, beginnin...

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12% of $500
$60 Raised
Youth and Families Matter
I am Running the Southampton half marathon on the 24/04/2016 to raise money for Youth and Families Matter. YFM is a local southampton charity that ...

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178% of $500
$892 Raised
Belfast Marathon 2016: Carr...
So May Day sees me walking the Belfast Marathon to raise money for the amazing Bluehouses who do incredible work with the young people of Ballysill...

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42% of $500
$210 Raised
Wrong Way Round Bike Ride
On Sunday 12th June, a number of people including past and present pre-school committee chairs will be cycling 97miles from Hyde Park Corner in Lon...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Andy Green
I Am Doing A Tandem Bungee Jump to raise money for my Team IRC

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
I will be attempting to run my 12th marathon on Monday May 2nd and will be raising money to help fight the awful disease of cancer. I lost a 16 yea...

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206% of $1,000
$2,055 Raised
TeamMLS Three Peaks Challenge
#TeamMLS are at it again, and this time we are taking part in the Yorkshire Three Peak Challenge. For those who aren’t familiar, the Challenge is t...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Karen Millington
Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. Jordan Smith sadly passed away on 27 June 2015. Jordan’s short life was filled with ...

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200% of $100
$200 Raised
Karen Millington
I'm cycling from Studley to Weymouth at the end of April to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Jordan Smith sadly passed away on 27 J...

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48% of $1,000
$480 Raised
Have a chance to win this exclusive Vince Kamp original by making a donation from £1 upwards to the Solvey X Fund. All funds added to the pot start...

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170% of $350
$596 Raised
Maggie Pardo de Santayana
Maggie has never had more than a trim, and her hair is very long. A year ago she decided to grow it until her fifth birthday and give her hair to ...

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78% of $400
$310 Raised
Keep Calm and Start Talking
This amount is to cover the essential costs of running a free mental health awareness event. This is to cover publicity costs; volunteers expenses;...

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40% of $880
$355 Raised
Liam Does 88 Miles in 88 Hours
Between Thursday 2nd June - Sunday 5th June, A small team and I from the ATE Staff body will be daring the challenging routes between each resident...

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59% of $500
$296 Raised
Man v Horse
Richard Lynch and Becca Jones are two Cylch Meithrin Aberhonddu parents who are taking on the challenge of Man vs Horse on Saturday 11 June 2016. T...

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208% of $250
$520 Raised
Simon's London Marathon 2016
After almost 10 years of trying I was lucky enough to finally get a place in this years London Marathon. I've had my head down training for it sin...

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123% of $100
$123 Raised
2016 End of Season Awards N...
Our end of season club fundraiser

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475% of $100
$475 Raised
Avalon School Running Team
Staff from Avalon School are dusting off their trainers to run the Glastonbury 10k, on the 1st May. They are raising money for Friends of Avalon Hy...

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