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66% of $200
$131 Raised
No wine? For a month? Surel...
I've decided to "go dry" for January. As you may know I like my wine. I need my wine! So this won't be easy. I've decided that the money I would sp...

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110% of $400
$440 Raised
Josh's Brentwood Half Marathon
Sadly, in 2006 my Nan passed away following a lengthy battle with cancer. During her fight St Francis hospice were there to assist with care &am...

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117% of $300
$351 Raised
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
I have been growing my hair to donate to the Little Princess Trust for a while now. The time has come to chop it all off in the name of charity! Th...

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140% of $100
$140 Raised
Oli's 10th Birthday Fund
Instead of birthday presents I would like my birthday party guests to make a donation via ActionAid to help children less fortunate than me. Many ...

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0% of $300
$0 Raised
Running Manchester Marathon...
I am running Manchester Marathon in April 2015. If you sponsor me, the money will go to the Complementary Therapy department at the Christie hospit...

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0% of $2,000
$0 Raised
Manu's London Marathon 2015
Please help me to raise funds for children - cruelty to children has to stop now!

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55% of $100
$55 Raised
Lionel's Birthday
Lionel already has a lot of toys so please donate to Bristol Children Hospital. A number of family members have recieved excellent care at the hosp...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
London Marathon 2016
I volunteer for Samaritans as a listener, and would like to raise money for this fantastic cause!

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38% of $500
$190 Raised
Peter Baugh Running for com...
I am fundraising for my local charity Youth and Families Matter (YFM). They support local people in their time of need, from food bank, furniture d...

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0% of $50
$0 Raised
10th Anniversary Ball Abseil
traveleyes 10th anniversary

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10% of $2,843
$283 Raised
My Lovely Shrubbery Fundraiser
Hello! And Welcome! Once every year I invite my friends, and those I think and hope are my friends, to help me hit my personal fundraising goal ...

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30% of $5,000
$1,477 Raised
Running to beat 5%
On January 16th 2014 I lost my Dad to pancreatic cancer. He survived 2 1/2 months from being diagnosed. My Dad and I were sitting together when h...

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147% of $246
$361 Raised
Focus of The Week - Decembe...
In December we are fundraising for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research which was nominated by David Anderson. See below his message. Mission State...

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40% of $100
$40 Raised
Don't just sit there, help ...
On the 22nd of March 2015, I will be running the Green Park Challenge to raise money for the Mental Health Foundation. As a young person who strug...

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44% of $1,000
$442 Raised
Donate the Dress
Donate the Dress is a charity project raising money for the Desert Flower Foundation, by selling wedding dresses and accessories (donatethedress.or...

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4% of $250
$10 Raised
2 Marathons in 2 days
I am not a serious runner nor a very experienced one, however I am very keen to raise as much money as possible for a good cause and challenge myse...

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182% of $300
$545 Raised
Christmas Raffle for Bowel ...
My cousin Mark was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer, and he passed away in August this year he was the same age as I am so it was quite a shock to our ...

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8% of $4,137
$314 Raised
And I will run, crawl or sw...
To run, crawl or swim 1655 miles in 2015, at least 500 of which will be competitive either in Obstacle Course Races or Road/Trail races with the re...

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123% of $100
$123 Raised
Chameleon's Web
As you all know, I am a major supporter of local theatre, and I have chosen to be part of the team taking part on the 24 hour sponsored play readin...

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276% of $400
$1,105 Raised
Lisa runs London!
This year Im running the London Marathon for ELHAP. ELHAP is an adventure playground designed and built for children and young people with disabili...

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
Annie Mitch's Marathon Come...
Many families are touched by Cancer and this year my lovely Dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He is doing remarkably well thanks to the expert care ...

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80% of $100
$80 Raised
The 24hr Sponsored Play Re...
Dear friend/family You all know that I am mad about theatre and very passionate about supporting local theatre. I have chosen to give 24 hrs to ...

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137% of $500
$687 Raised
Community Christmas Lunch
We are organising a community lunch on Christmas day for all those who want to do something different. It could be that the kids have left home, b...

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3% of $2,000
$50 Raised
Warmer Welcome Project
Holy Trinity Lenton needs your help to address urgent roof repairs. The church has been closed due to dry rot. Can you help us to re-open and sec...

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